In a recent interview, we asked Dr. Remi Nader his opinion on the future of Neurosurgery.
I've been asked this question several times and it actually includes a lot of different facets.
For example, we have started to see a lot of advances in Robotic neuro surgery and also in Artificial Intelligence as it applies to neurosurgery.
We're seeing more and more robots used for example in spine surgery to help us navigate to get to the right spot in the spine.
Also, we're seeing some of it apply to brain surgery as well, for simpler procedures.
Obviously, the technology can continue to expand in that direction where more and more repetitive tedious tasks can be repeated and performed much more efficiently through robots and artificial intelligence.
Nothing is going to replace the human Judgement when it comes to deciding whether or not the surgery is required, or the intricacies of the more delicate procedures.
So this is one angle where I think where there's a lot of potential for development in the future. Especially in the field of neurosurgery.
Another aspect that is really cutting edge in neurosurgery is the Nanotechnologies and specifically when it applies to Brain Machine Interfaces.
We're seeing a lot of new research that is done nowadays that has tremendous potential for the future when it comes to Brain Mapping and having some type of computer circuitry interact between the brain and an external device.
It can be a monitoring machine, an artificial limb or another type of device.
We're seeing that more and more and in the field that we call Functional Neurosurgery.
Another important aspect that we're seeing a lot more about is in the field of Biologics and when it comes specifically to stem cells and their application to treat brain diseases.
Also to be able to cure other types of conditions in general within the nervous system.
I think there's a lot of room for that research, obviously there's a tremendous amount of Regulatory Body that's behind that type of research especially in the more developed countries that we're seeing that is going to essentially put a framework for the direction in which this research is going and
Finally, the last angle I would also like to bring up is the pharmacological or chemical aspect As it applies to neurosurgery, or the Neurotransmitter aspect if you will.
We're seeing more and more research done in pharmacological fields, for example Cannabis as it applies to the brain.
I think there’s something there that we're starting to see that's showing a lot of promise nowadays with regards to the future of neurosurgery and neuroscience in general.
Don't hesitate to contact Dr. Nader for your consultations.